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Saturday, June 5, 2010, 2:51 PM
![]() And then there's YSC (Youth Sports Conference). It was awesome, seriously. Mariah, Syafiq, Avinash and I were chosen to go and it was a great opportunity. I see no point on elaborating on it because however I explain how great it was, you won't be able to enjoy and experienced what we experienced. While everyone was having their post exams activities, we were having lectures (some were fun some were boring) and learning new things. I don't regret going. Lastly, trainings. Stating the obvious, June holidays has started. Which meant also mean training twice a week, 4 hours each. On both days, there's a difference coach. There's coach Paula, who's driving us hard. And there's Coach Conney(?), who's training is based on fun. Sometimes, I don't know what to expect really. But for these weeks I haven't been blogging, I realised that everyone should expect the unexpected. Serious shit. Labels: What you've missed and loved Friday, April 16, 2010, 10:14 PM
Like seriously. I haven't been updating because life's giving me _______. (Fill in the blanks yourself. Improves your English.) Lol. So Mid-Years is coming. I'm semi-prepared. I've been mugging quite a lot. I haven't been able to sleep quite well though, I dunno why. Even though I'm pretty exhausted because the day has sucked life outta me. Maybe it's because of the stress. It's like my mind won't shut up, literally. Anyway, two weeks has passed quickly. The highlight of last week is the Cross Country. I've got 8th! I'm content, but I feel awful. And yet again, I dunno why. I'm so unsure of so many things nowadays. And I hate it. This week was hectic, very hectic. It was the Common Test week and I had tons of sleepless nights. On Wednesday, I had my math test. It was inexplicable. I left many questions blank which adds up to a total of 13 marks. I was like "Wtfush. Flunk." But Mr Cheng gave out the paper today and I passed! Just passed though, but I'm satisfied with that. I passed my Lit too. Not my Chinese though. Thursday was Social Studies. Manageable, I guess. Today was Combined Sciences. Chem was average and Physics was what-on-earth kinda thing. Now for not studies related. The coach came on Thursday. She's kind. It was kinda pressurizing though. Today we had a farewell party for Mr Syam! It was fun. The Sec 3 mentors played hide-and-seek around the ground floor. Exhausting but fun. It relieves stress. I'm gonna miss him though. Dearest small-eyed freak, So maybe you're a free-thinker but didn't God give you HANDS to use them? You practically just used your foot to kick the freakin' newspaper back. Haven't you got hands?! If you don't want them, I'll willingly cut them off and give it to those who doesn't have any. On the same note, haven't you got brains at all? First of all, you're not really that good-looking and yet, you've got no brains. (I'm not implying that I'm pretty or whatever shit you wanna assume. I'm just stating facts, facts she can't accept.) So obviously, you're not under the DUMB BLONDE or BIMBO section. You don't even qualify. How saddening. Another point that I wanna add is that if you hate me, don't go bitching around my back. You think, that's gonna affect me? OH WOW, you are so immature. So freshman. Just come up to me and say that you hate me, if you've got the guts. LOL (Lots Of Love), Marie. If you think I'm talking about someone you may know or even close to, I advice you to confirm with me who you're talking about because I don't want misunderstandings because it's a waste of time. Approach me, text me, call me. Your choice. Just don't assume. Labels: 2 weeks of nothing, Hectic week. Thursday, April 1, 2010, 9:17 PM
I've realised how much all of us, well most of us, are living in our own world and not really realising the world around us. We don't think before doing our actions, we don't think before speaking, we just don't think at times. We're just not that aware of everyone but ourselves. And because of our miserable, self less little actions that causes us to not realise that the world doesn't revolve around us. That outside our very little world and friends that we've made, there's a much bigger world out there. And in this big world, things don't always turn out the way it's planned. Accidents occur, robberies, thief, you name it. Some people say "Oh, what the heck it's Singapore!" Yes, it is Singapore. But that doesn't mean such things doesn't happen. That doesn't stop the fact that we are gonna be safe for the rest of our lives.Yesterday really got me thinking. Thinking about how I'm so naive, so childlike and immature. About how I'm only stuck in my own world that I don't really realise others. Labels: My world is your world. |